Sunday, May 17, 2009

The "Blog World" Family...

Over the past few months I have been blogging I have been amazed at how small the world feels. Suddenly I can connect with someone across the country in seconds through a blog we both follow. Someone on the other side of the globe can be joining me in prayer for a family and both being touched by the story of another mutual "blog" friend.
I added the visitors map to my blog and have been watching where you all are visiting from. I am in awe. Across the country.. and around the world, you are visiting. There are those of you from another blog, or website. Maybe a mutual friend sent you this way. Whatever it is, I am thankful you stopped by. Caring, Sharing in our journey, and praying. That means so much.
I have already began to feel so connected with others through this blogsphere and feel as though I have become part of a great big family. We share our lives and lift one another in prayer.. just as God has called us to do, bearing one anothers burdens.
I would love to get to know all of you better.. if you don't mind, would you leave me a comment and just let me know who you are? It would be great to feel even more connected with those who have decided to come along side me on this road trip through life... without remembering my precious Brayden.
Thank you again for caring enough to stop by, and read sort through my jumbled thoughts... Please consider introducing yourself. If there is anything you would like to share, feel free! If I can pray for you or a specific need.. feel free to leave that as well.
Looking forward to becoming more and more a part of the Blog Family.


Melina said...

My name is Melina, and I am 27, from TN. Mom to 2 year old b/g twins, Oscar and Matilda. I came across your blog via a list of prayer requests on April Rose's blog. I was instantly touched by your story. I can't imagine your pain, and coincidentally, and unfortunately, my family has been touched this past week by a similar story, my aunt gave birth to a son, stillborn. Her grief is so raw, and I know your's must be too. Parents who've lost children is something that always weighs on my mind, since my son almost died when he was born. You are ever in my prayers.

Carrie said...

I happened to have come across your blog tonight. I looked at Brayden's pictures, and my heart just swelled. But admittedly, it also broke my heart because my 9-month-old daughter was recently diagnosed with a very rare and fatal disease, and well, it just brought up a lot of emotions. I will definitely continue to follow your blog {{hugs}}


Grandma~rella said...

My real name is Cindy, my Granddaughter nicknamed me Cindy~rella, then I became 'Granmda~rella.' I live in Oregon and found your blog one evening and now come back daily to see how you're doing and send (((HUGS)))
It hurts my heart to know how badly your heart hurts and I want to help you find 'happy' again. Funny how 'meeting' a stranger in a blog can reach right out and grab our hearts, but I'm sure glad you grabbed mine. I truly look forward to getting to know you and your precious family! :)

I have three grown children and five precious Grandbabies, ages 4 months to almost 6 years old. Number 6 is due in October~Being a Grandmother is the most priceless gift, ever! I'm also 'Grandma' to lots of little ones who sort of adopt me~lol!

Anytime you want or need to talk, vent or just need a shoulder~I'm here for you kiddo! (((HUGS)))
Cindy~G'ma~rella :)

mommy to many said...

go glad you are able to connect with people michelle! you know you are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Desiree said...

I am a 26 year old new mom who found your blog from April Rose's blog. I love to read about Brayden and who he was. I will continue to pray for your family.