Sunday, January 4, 2009

Birthday Memorial

..Where to begin.. So much has happened in the last few weeks! I wish I had more time to post. I hop eto catch up on some needed entries soon.

Today was a tough day but went so well. We had a baloon release and planted a memorial tree in homor of Brayden's birthday which is tomorrow. Many of our close friends and family came which meant so much. We are truly blessed and surrounded by such amazing people.

We used the song "Come to Jesus" by Chris Rice and as the final verse talked about flying to Jesus we all let the balloons up and sent them to Brayden.

..I miss you so much baby boy.... We love you and would give anything to have you here with us. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your balloons!!

1 comment:

mommy to many said...

i let a balloon go from our place. at 2:00, i was praying for you, know it wasn't easy but it was so nice of you guys to do this for your little guy! him and grandpa were watching from above!!